Over 300 athletes come to race at RU Fast, our CSSA sponsored short track meet at the Olympic Oval on March 7 & 8, 2020. This is a reminder that the volunteer sign-up sheet is open, and we still have plenty of volunteer positions to fill.
*Please note: At RU Fast we are running two sheets of ice. NORTH Ice is for T2T/Masters/Special O skaters. The SOUTH Ice is for L2T/Fund/Active Start skaters. If you want to watch your skater while you volunteer, please sign up for the appropriate ice.
Sign-up now to volunteer for RU Fast: volunteersignup.org/YDCBP
Sign-up now to bring food items for RU Fast: volunteersignup.org/TCT7K
Please remember that CSSA families (with one child in the program) and adult skaters are expected complete a minimum of 20 volunteer points per season, with a minimum of 5 points per CSSA meet.
RU Fast is one of your last chances to fulfill the required hours. For adult skaters that plan to race, there are still plenty of volunteer options on Friday evening, including mat set-up or food for the hospitality room, that shouldn’t interfere with your racing schedule.
If you are new to the club and have questions about the volunteer positions at RU Fast or how the points system works, please email Linda (vc.volunteers@calgaryspeedskating.ca).
Thank you!