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We have calculated everyone’s volunteer points so far this season, and most families/adult skaters are on track to meet their required points. Thank you! However, at next weekend’s RU Fast, we still have quite a few empty spots for timers, lap counters and place judges. We’ve sent a call out to other clubs, but if you have the time, please consider signing-up. Experience is not necessary for any of those positions, and the Chiefs and experienced volunteers will be there to help you out.

To sign-up, please click on the link below and select the position you’d like to volunteer for:

Please note, the VC Volunteers has sent out a reminder email to those few families/adult skaters that have yet to volunteer. The only way we are able to keep our fees low, and put on two meets a year for the skaters, is because of the help from ALL club members. A gentle reminder that we do cash volunteer cheques if the required points are not met.

If you have any questions about your hours so far, or volunteering at RU Fast, please feel free to email Linda ( Thank you.