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Update from the Board

With the Covid-19 situation, the Board felt it was important to provide a further update as the season was cut short and there are a number of questions from members.  The Oval is closed and we do not know when it will re-open at this time.  Continue to Stay Safe!

·       Skate rental return:  Will be postponed until further notice.  

·       Year-end gala: Will be postponed until further notice.  The Calgary Winter Club is currently closed.  Plaques are being prepared for the Top Skater, Most Improved and Best Sportsperson and will be awarded at a later date.

·       End of season report cards: Coaches will be taking photos of the end of season report cards & e-mailing it to the skaters’ family.  For some teen skaters, coaches will be sending individual e-mails to each skating family.

·       Special General Meeting: to elect Board members for the 2020-2021 season will be postponed indefinitely.  A few of the Board members are stepping down and we are looking for new Board members in the roles of 1) Registrar, 2) Vice-Chair Competition, 3) Vice-Chair Development, 4) Vice-Chair Volunteers and 5) Vice-Chair Marketing.  If you are interested in joining the Board and would like a description of any of the roles, please contact Josie Daub at

·       Summer Programs: The program is scheduled to start around mid-May and run until the end of August.  There will be a Youth group as well as a Teen group.  May & June will focus on off-ice training, including in-line skating once a week.  In July, on-ice sessions will be introduced.  We will also be introducing strength training for the older teens. The program is flexible to allow athletes to train 2 – 4 times a week or to take a month or two off.  We will be NOT be taking registration and payments on RAMP for the immediate until we better understand the Covid-19 situation as we get closer to the start date.  In the interim, you can indicate your interest by signing up on Google forms at: 

·       Virtual Program: We are looking at having a virtual program for the spring & summer, should we be unable to pursue outdoor group workouts. We will keep you informed.  In the meantime, as most spring sports have been cancelled, keep up your fitness (keep in mind all Alberta Health recommendations, including social distancing, which may change over time):

·       Go for an outdoor run, jog, bike (or set-up your bike indoors on a trainer)

·       Go to the park and play catch (football, baseball, lacrosse) with your family

·       Go for a hike in the mountains

·       Follow & imitate your favorite athletes and see what they are doing while indoors.  There are plenty of videos that can be watched for inspiration & ideas

·       Performance badges:  have been distributed for all competitions up to the end of January 2020.  Distribution of performance badges for February and March events will be postponed until further notice. Performance badges are given based on achieving time standards for various distances in both long-track and short-track.  Standards are on the Alberta Speed Skating website:

·       Cutting Edge Pin Program from Speed Skating Canada: Over the last few weeks, the coaches have been evaluating skaters and pins report cards were prepared.  Distribution will be postponed until further notice.  The program focuses on developing proper skills so that skaters develop better technically.  More information can be found on:

·       Thank you to Coleen Newby & Suncor: They have generously donated $300 towards competition supplies.

·       Canadian Youth Short-Track – Western: Unfortunately, this event was cancelled but we would still like to recognize all the CSSA skaters that qualified for this event:

Train 2 Train Female (11): Isabelle Champagne, Amelia Schepp, Addison Bowie, Sophia Major, Grier Kellough  

Train 2 Train Female (12): Tatiana De Vlieg, Jasmine Bao, Claire Fenton, Elise Prpich, 

Train to Train Female (14): Cecile Ferraro

Train 2 Train Male (12): Caleb Chan, Adam Al Seafan

Train 2 Train Male (13): Jalen Doan

Train 2 Train Male (14): Daniel Hall, Sandeep Varnasooriya, Arman Virani

·       RU Fast March 7-8: Below are the full list of winners in the Train to Train group as glitches in the meet manager software did not allow us to do the medal presentation:

T2T 11 Female:

Gold – CHAMPAGNE Isabelle CSSA 

Silver –  SCHEPP Amelia CSSA 

Bronze – BOWIE Addison CSSA 

Bronze – MAJOR Sophia CSSA 

T2T 12 Female:

Gold – BAO, Jasmine Calgary CSSA 

Silver – DE VLIEG, Tatiana CSSA

Bronze – HRYCUIK, Sophia Saskatoon 

T2T 13 Female

Gold – VOLSTAD, Alexandra Calgary Grizzlies Speed Skating Club

Silver – WILZ, Lili Banff/Canmore 

Bronze –  EAVES, Mikka Lethbridge 

T2T 14 Female

Gold – PADBURY, Erin Edmonton

Silver – REYNOLDSON, Gracie Regina Speed Skating Club 

Bronze – FERRARO, Cecile CSSA 

T2T 12 Male:

Gold –  ANDERSON, Theron Edmonton 

Gold – ADELMAN, Zakhary Lethbridge 

Silver – GILBERT, Brock CSSA 

Bronze – TASCHUK, Jayden Edmonton 

T2T 13 Male:

Gold – DOAN, Jalen Calgary Speed Skating Association 

Silver – MCINTOSH, Jonnathan Lethbridge 

Bronze – KREMENIK, Braeden Lethbridge 

T2T 14 Male:

Gold – POULIN, Max Calgary Grizzlies Speed Skating Club 

Silver – VEEMAN, Luca Saskatoon 

Bronze – SBEITI, Ahmed Calgary Grizzlies Speed Skating Club 

T2T 15  Male:

Gold – WADDINGTON Keagan Saskatoon 

Silver – BORSTMAYER Finn Banff/Canmore 

Bronze – LOWE Bon Saskatoon 

Top 3 Female & Male in Divisions 1 – 9 (Learn to Train) from CSSA:

Division 1 Female: Maxine Volstad, 1st; Jasmine Lazzari, 2nd

Division 2 Female: Osa Chomiak, 1st

Division 4 Male: Ryan Zheng, 1st; Jacob Somers, 2nd

Division 5 Female: Tesla Loster, 2nd

Division 5 Male: Maximum Di Gregorio, 1st; Ian Im, 2nd, Bradley Li, 3rd

Division 6 Female: Cara Byrne, 1st

Division 7 Female: Sadie Neil, 1st

Division 8 Female: Kaija Hawkins, 2nd, Zoe Woo, 3rdDivision 8 Male: Mathew Wilson, 1st; Jacob Stephanson, 2nd, Dean Lavoie, 3rd