Marika Nadal
Head Coach
John Hrynchuk
Office Manager
Board of Directors
The Calgary Speed Skating Association Board of Directors is elected for a one year period during each AGM. The board is comprised of 5 executive members: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Registrar and Past-President; and 7 Vice Chairs: Communications, Competitions, Development, Equipment, Marketing, Officials, and Volunteers.
Descriptions of the BOD positions can be found in the this document.
Current Executive Committee
President / Josie Daub
Vice President / Erika Chomiak & Kunio Tsuyuhara
Treasurer / Todd Noseworthy
Registrar / Tian Gu
Past President / Vacant
Current Vice Chairs
VC of Competitions / Aimee Jackson
Contact our VC of Competitions
VC of Development / Madeline Sonik-Henderson
VC of Equipment / Greg Kendrick
VC of Officials / Marc McGee
VC of Volunteers / Christa Burry
Director at Large / Alison McAdam
Director at Large / Chrissy Craig