CSSA finalist for Speed Skating Canada Intact Insurance Club Excellence Award: The winning club this year was Iqaluit who used the $10,000 to purchase mats. CSSA was one of five finalists for the development of the Seton skating location and was awarded $2,500.
Program Update: For the month of October, we will be skating at WinSport (Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays) and will continue with some dryland and in-line skating sessions. We will continue with our outdoor locations as long as possible but will need to move indoors after the time change. A detailed schedule will be sent shortly. There are currently no updates from the Olympic Oval. Next skate times:
Saturday September 26 at Seton YMCA:
Youth 1 (incl. Intro & Learn to skate): 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Youth 2 & 3: 12:15 – 1:15 PM
Teen1 & 2: 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Teen 3: 2:45 – 4:00 PM
Sunday September 27 at Seton YMCA:
Teen 1 & 2: 9:15 – 10:15 AM
Teen 3: 10:30 – 11:45 AM
Award winners from 2019-2020 Season:
> Best Skater: Zoe Woo
> Most Improved: August Tobman
> Best Sportsmanship: Saoirse McAdam
> Best Skater: Liana Such
> Most Improved: Joshua Yung
> Best Sportsmanship: Neve Adams
Youth 1:
> Best Skater: Cara Byrne
> Most Improved: Sabbah Sinan Kassam
> Best Sportsmanship: Amaranth Wang
Youth 2:
> Best Skater: Olivier Louis-Seize
> Most Improved: Jacob Stephanson
> Best Sportsmanship: Lauren Hofer
Youth 3:
> Best Skater: Jasmine Lazzari
> Most Improved: Lucy Anderson
> Best Sportsmanship: Daniel David Gallo Hernandez
Teen 1:
> Best Skater: Nash Loster
> Most Improved: Addison Bowie
> Best Sportsmanship: Elise Prpich
Teen 2:
> Best Skater: Amelia Schepp
> Most Improved: Owen Palmer
> Best Sportsmanship: Jillian Somers
> Best Skater: Sandeep Varnasooriya
> Most Improved: Cecile Ferraro
> Best Sportsmanship: Elliot Kellough
> Best Skater: Andre Erasmus
> Most Improved: Tatiana De Vlieg
> Best Sportsmanship: Kendra Hawkins
Introducing 2020-2021 CSSA Coaching Staff
(Note: Not all coaches will be present at all practices, some are alternates)
Adult ST: Guy Bushell, Scott Vanderlinden
Adult LT: Guy Bushell, Nicole Gendron (Slusar), Anna Bourgeois
Teen 3/Jr ST: Ryan Hickman, Aaron Cooney, Marika Nadal, Nicolas Laborde (alt.)
Teen 3/Jr LT: Ally Bates, Kevin Yaholnitsky, Danielle Wallish, Zachary Lacroix
Teen 2: Sam Pollock, Kiersten Hagen, David Seal
Teen 1: Tim Kury, Christian Liebzeit, Nicolas Laborde, Anna Bourgeois, Scott Vanderlinden (alt.)
Youth 3: Anders Johnson, Greg Kendrick, Janie Green, Rayna Ezzi
Youth 2: Caitlin Pelkey, Jack Deibert, Molly Johnson, Wesley O’Brien (alt.)
Youth 1/Intro/Learn to Speed Skate: Molly Young, Annika Johnson, Alexa Annecca, Celina Chabot, Laura Hall (alt.), Alexander Marcus (alt.)
Seton: Crispin Parkinson
Last chance to order clothing & skinsuits: An order for tracksuits, sweatshirts, slides and skinsuits will be done early this week, please contact Madeline (vc.communications@calgaryspeedskating.ca) by Tuesday September 22 if you have not placed your order yet. This will be the only order we do this season.
Speed skating items to buy or sell?: With the current Covid situation, we encourage members to put up their speed skating items for sale on Kijiji or ask other parents at outdoor practices.
Upcoming competitions (very tentative):
October 17, 2020: Rocky Mountain House
November 13 – 15, 2020: Edmonton Fall Classic
December 5, 2020: Canmore CIRC
December 12, 2020: Edmonton Winter Classic (Outdoor long-track)
January 16-17, 2021: Jeremy Wotherspoon Invitational, Red Deer, (Outdoor long-track)
January 30-31, 2021: Alberta long-track at Oval
February 6-7, 2021: Canadian Youth Long-Track Championships (TBD)
March 6-7, 2021: RU Fast at Oval
March 27-28, 2021: Canadian Youth Short-Track Championships – West, Selkirk, MB
Masters International Short-Track (MIST) Games – postponed to 2022
Upcoming Important Dates:
Week of September 21, 2020: Coaches will meet with parents on program overview
By October 1st, 2020: Coaches will have discussed and set goals with Teen athletes