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Update from Oval Director Peter McCrory on October 14: 

With preliminary findings from the investigation into the mechanical issue at the Olympic Oval, we are working closely with our valued partners and suppliers on a remediation plan to source the equipment necessary to reinstall the ice and resume operations.  At this time, we anticipate that the earliest ice availability will be late January, with updates on that timeline coming as progress is made.  Our team at the Oval recognizes that this has a significant impact to speed skaters, high performance athletes, and the public. Please know that we are working extremely hard to repair the issue, provide alternative meaningful training opportunities for athletes, and develop innovative new approaches where possible. I would like to show my personal appreciation to all of our users and the Oval staff for the amazing resilience they have shown.

Volunteer Opportunities:

We are now looking to fill some volunteer hours, here are a few options: 

Social media: we need volunteers from both the Teen & the Youth groups to help with social media posts (coach features, live practices, etc.).  

Website updates: A volunteer is needed to help with updating the website.  Contact Madeline at for both positions.  

Assistant Registrar: A volunteer is needed to input all registered CSSA skaters to the Speed Skating Canada new registration system.  Contact Jeremy at

Youth/Teen Program Update:  

For the month of November, December and into January (until the Oval re-opens for skating), we will be skating at WinSport (Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays) and will continue with some dryland and in-line skating sessions inside the Oval facility.  Coaches will be sending out weekly schedules.  Thank you to all parents and skaters for your patience during these unprecedented times!  

Adult Program Update: 

All adult skaters will be reimbursed in full before the end of October.  We are looking at the feasibility of having a few ice sessions at WinSport starting in November and would create a new program for adults to register in.

CSSA Masks: 

Would you like the latest fashion trend, a CSSA mask.  Makes a great holiday gift!  To order contact Madeline by November 1st at

Parking Passes: 

Parking services at the University is offering refunds for those that no longer need parking passes.  Please return it to the CSSA Office at the Oval on the following days & times:  Wednesday October 21 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM and Friday October 23 from 6:00 – 6:30 PM.

Upcoming competitions (very tentative)

November 13 – 15, 2020: Edmonton Fall Classic – cancelled 

December 5, 2020: Canmore CIRC

December 12, 2020: Edmonton Winter Classic (Outdoor long-track)

January 16-17, 2021: Jeremy Wotherspoon Invitational, Red Deer, (Outdoor long-track)

January 23, 2021: Rocky Mountain House

January 30-31, 2021: Alberta long-track at Oval

February 6-7, 2021: Canadian Youth Long-Track Championships (TBD)

March 6-7, 2021: RU Fast at Oval

March 27-28, 2021: Canadian Youth Short-Track Championships – West, Selkirk, MB

Masters International Short-Track (MIST) Games – postponed to 2022