Upcoming Key Dates
October 31: 2nd payment will be processed for all programs located at the Oval
November 2: Red Deer short track competition (all ages) – sold out
November 9-10: Edmonton short track competition (all ages) – sold out – registration link: https://icereg.ca/#!/events/3128-essa-fall-classic-short-track-2024
November 16: Peace River short track competition (all ages)
November 23-24: Grande Prairie short track competition (all ages)
November 23: Learn to Race long track at Oval from 8:00-10:00 AM (13 & under)
November 26: CSSA AGM to approve financial statements – Oval Boardroom at 6:30 PM
November 30: Banff/Canmore short track competition (all ages)
November 30: Lloydminster short track competition (all ages) – https://icereg.ca/#!/events/fire-on-ice-2024-lloydminster-border-blades-ssc
November 29-Dec. 1: CanAm long track competition at Oval (14+)
December 5: Seton mini-meet (Youth E, F, G, Seton)
December 14: Edmonton outdoor long track (all ages)
Dec. 13-15: Neo-Junior & Junior long track Championships in Fort St-John (14 – 18 yrs)
December 17: Photo day & holiday fun for all groups, including Seton
2nd Instalment Reminder – October 31
The 2nd instalment for the programs located at the Oval will be processed on October 31. If your credit card information has changed or your credit card has expired, please login to IceReg to update your credit card information. Go to Recurring Billing (about halfway on left hand side once signed in), then expand the transactions under your skaters’ name. You should see the upcoming payment dated October 31, click on it and follow instructions for changing credit card info.
CSSA AGM to Approve Financials, followed by Q & A – Oval Boardroom 6:30 PM
Please join us on Tuesday November 26 at 6:30 PM in the Oval Boardroom (just behind the lounge overlooking the rinks). CSSA will have its Annual General Meeting to approve its financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2024. A quorum of 15 members are required. This will be followed by a Question & Answer period and some snacks.
Competition Results
Prairie Opener, Saskatoon Oct. 19-20
Youth: Félicia Robert, 2nd
Lethbridge, Oct. 26-27
Ability 1 Female: Olivia Cho, 1st; Wynn Kondracki, 2nd; Noelle D’Abadie, 3rd
Ability 1 Male: Lucas Brown, 2nd; Fisher Anderson, 3rd
Ability 2 Male: Nicholas Gu, 2nd; Maxwell Chomin, 3rd
Ability 3 Male: Bryan Qiu, 1st
Open Class – Female: Shahana Jiwa, 3rd
Open Class – Male: Shah Joaquin Khan, 2nd; Toby Powell, 3rd
Youth 1 Male: Nicholas Wang, 1st; Grayson Beagan, 2nd; Luke Lu, 3rd
Youth 1 Female: Félicia Robert, 1st; Hope Allen, 2nd
Youth 2 Male: Santiago Khan, 2nd; Lautaro Pino, 3rd
Youth 2 Female: Deah Samborski, 2nd; Yael van der Merwe, 3rd
Youth 11 years: Jaiden Cho, 1st; Joshua Yung, 2nd; Aiden Cho, 3rd
Youth 12 years: Nicholas Wang, 1st; Grayson Beagan, 2nd; Hope Allen, 3rd
Youth 13 years: Félicia Robert, 1st; Luke Lu, 3rd
Canadian Youth Short Track (CYST) Qualifier
It will be based on best 400m this season at ANY provincially sanctioned meet from August 1st 2024 – March 9th 2025. Times at SSA ST Provincial Championships on March 8/9 will be the last competition before submitting time to Speed Skating Canada.
Canadian Youth Long Track (CYLT) Qualifier
It will be based on best indoor/*outdoor 500m Olympic Style race. There will 3 competitions to race Olympic Style:
1. Edmonton Outdoor LT – December 15th
2. ABLT – Calgary – January 11/12th,
3. Jeremy Wotherspoon Red Deer LT Outdoor Classic – January 18/19th
*Conversion of outdoor LT times to indoor times:
The 500m indoor-outdoor conversion of 109.5%, if necessary, will be used for subsequent seeding
Example OUTDOOR 50.6s / 109.5% = 46.21s INDOOR.
SSA Short Track Provincials March 7-8, 2025
SSA ST Provincials are open to the following ages: Club Skaters: 6-10 (ability format), Youth Skaters: 11-13 (ability format), Neo Junior: 14/15, Junior: 16+
Awards: Top 3 per age group/gender
Please make sure to sign up early for the SSA ST Provincials as it will fill up very quickly.
Hotels for Out-of-Town Competitions
Our Director at Large, Chrissy Craig, has been posting all the hotels for out of town competitions on Band (Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge). Most skaters will be staying at these designated hotels and group managers will be looking to organize team dinners.
Some Group Managers Still Needed
This year the club would like to have a group manager for each group to manage communication and promote team spirit. This person would be responsible for organizing team social events, and managing the band app. The following groups are stilling looking for a group manager:
E – Emu
F- Fox
Volunteer credits will be given for taking on this role. If you are interested in this role please let president@calgaryspeedskating.com know.
Note that we took inspiration from the Short Track World Cup tour, where all the teams now have new names and logos: The Canadian Ice Maples, the USA Eagles, the Dutch Lions, the Chinese Loongs, the Japanese Ninjas, the British Royals, etc.
Important Documents from Speed Skating Alberta (SSA)
Please find below the links to some important documents from SSA:
2024-2025 Provincial Team Criteria Link:
This document details the criteria and time standards for the Youth and Neo-Junior/Junior Provincial Team. There is a lot of important information which should be read by families that have skaters 11 years and older.
Competition bulletins are located here:
This document details how competitions are run, including age groups, provincial circuit, provincial championships, selection events, etc. There is a lot of important information which should be read by all families.
Officials Corner (SSA) – Looking for Recorders & Chief Timers
The Level 1 Officials Clinic is available on YouTube. What this means is that you can take the course at anytime and review it at your leisure.
Here is the Link to the clinic – https://youtu.be/2HZNkpAglbY
This clinic is intended for new parents, athletes, and volunteers. Once you have completed the clinic, complete the official’s tracker and the quiz. You will receive your certificate shortly after that – this will count towards your volunteer hours for CSSA. Once you have completed this clinic, you will be on your way to being a Level 1 official!
We are also looking for more recorders and chief timers for the club. Recorders prepare the start lists, results, etc using the Meet Manager software and load the information into the Sportity App. Recorders require attention to detail to ensure accuracy of information. Chief Timers ensure the accuracy of timing using manual stopwatches and oversee the timers at a competition. There is also the opportunity to learn about electronic timing when using transponders and photo finishes.
Should you have questions or be interested in becoming a recorder or chief timer, please email Marc McGee vc.officials@speedskating.ca
UR Store – CSSA Gear now available: Looking for jackets, hoodies, t-shirts, headwear, jackets, etc.? The new CSSA branded items are now available for purchase for kids, women and men on:https://urstore.ca/calgary-speed-skating-association_527601 Order and pay by credit card and your items will be delivered directly to your home.