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Upcoming Key Dates

November 30: Banff/Canmore short track competition (all ages) –  sold out

November 30: Lloydminster short track competition (all ages) –!/events/fire-on-ice-2024-lloydminster-border-blades-ssc

November 29-Dec. 1: CanAm long track competition at Oval (14+) –

December 5: Seton mini-meet (Youth E, F, G, Seton) –!/events/parking-passes-skate-rental-drop-ins-other-2024-25

December 14: Edmonton outdoor long track (all ages) –!/events/3200-essa-winter-classic-long-track-2024

Dec. 13-15: Neo-Junior & Junior long track Championships in Fort St-John (14 – 18 yrs)

December 17: Photo day & holiday fun for all groups, including Seton

January 11-12: Alberta Long Track (all ages) –!/events/alberta-long-track-ablt-january-11-12-2025 (it is selling out fast, register early if you would like to participate)

Competition Results

Red Deer Nov. 2

Division 1: Jiaqi (Ricky) Lin, 1stLuke Lu, 2nd

Division 3: Lucas Wan, 3rd

Division 4: Ellis Jackson, 1st

Edmonton, Nov. 9-10

Ability 1 Female: Wynn Kondracki, 1stOlivia Cho, 2nd

Ability 1 Male: Lucas Brown, 2nd

Ability 2 Female: Elizabeth Yung, 1st

Ability 2 Male: Lucas Wan, 3rd

Ability 4 Male: Ellis Jackson, 3rd

Active Start Female: Amelia Yang, 2nd   

Open Class – Female: Julianne Lazzari, 2nd; Rebecca Messier, 3rd

Open Class – Male: Connor Mason-Bennett, 3rd

Youth 1 Male: Nicholas Wang, 2ndJoshua Yung, 3rd

Youth 1 Female: Félicia Robert, 1stHope Allen, 2nd

Youth 2 Female: Deah Samborski, 1st

Grande Prairie Nov. 23

Division 4: Aiden Samborski, 2nd

Try Speed Skating – Thank You Volunteers

A big thank you to our volunteers for Try Speed Skating events. Our Skaters and Coaches do a great job helping 40+ participants each time.  A big thank you to: Marek Chomin, Julianne Lazzari, Sadie Neil, Charlotte Perkins, Kate Folmer, Shah Khan, Connor Craig, Cara Byrne, Heidi Beck, Maggie Breedlove, Sophia Major, Ana Monroy, Henry Zhang, Katie Noseworthy, Zimu Wang, Kunio Tsuyuhara, Evelyne Lefebvre, Daniel Revie and Emma North.  You are a fantastic bunch!

Oval Short Track Closure December 9-16

The Oval must do maintenance on the refrigeration system which will affect the ice making capacity. Maintenance will begin late Sunday afternoon, December 8th and continue through to Monday, December 16th. The facility will be closed on the weekend of December 14-15.  During this time, the North and South ice surfaces will be closed. The Long Track Oval ice will remain open for training sessions in the evening for speed skating clubs. Generally, Youth will be on-ice between 6:00-7:00 PM and Teens/Adults from 7pm-8:30pm.  We will try to keep the training days the same but at different times and Sunday sessions will be moved to Friday.  Make sure you check the training times for your group in the weekly email from your lead coach.

Photo Day on Tuesday December 17

All groups, including Seton, are invited to the Oval for an individual and group photo.  Every skater will receive a free individual and group photo in the new year, to be distributed at a practice in January.  Families can also purchase additional photos or other items which will be shipped directly to the family.

Learn to Race Long Track & Mini-Meets

Congratulations to all the skaters that have been racing in the two Learn to Race Long Track fun meets.  At the last meet on November 24, we had four National Team athletes (Daniel Hall, Alexa Scott, Max Halyk, Luca Veeman) give a short talk and sign some autographs.  We will be looking to watch them race in some World Cups in the new year. 

On Thursday December 5th, we will also host a short track mini-meet at the Seton YMCA in South East Calgary.  All skaters from Seton YMCA and Youth Groups E, F & G are invited.  We will have a few fun races and prizes. It should be a great time!

Registration Link:!/events/parking-passes-skate-rental-drop-ins-other-2024-25

Alberta Long Track – Volunteer Opportunities

Officials and volunteers are always welcome and encouraged to participate.

Note that each CCSA family MUST participate as volunteers in our meets:

Race Volunteer Roles Please sign up here:

Hospitality Volunteer Roles Please sign up here:

Welcome to Kunio and Erika!

Welcome to our new Vice-Presidents, who will share the position until the Spring: Kunio Tsuyuhara, who will assist more on the programming side and Erika Chomiak, who will assist more on the governance side.

Officials Corner

A Level 2 Starter Clinic will be held during ABLT on Friday January 10 from 6-9 PM & all day on Saturday January 11.  Registration link is:!/events/january-2025-ssa-level-2-starter-clinic

Should you have questions or be interested in becoming an Official, please email Marc McGee

 Skinsuits, Jackets & Hoodies: Skinsuits: We have ordered a dozen more suits in the most popular sizes.  Hoodies: Every CSSA skater, youth and adult, will be receiving a hoodie (included in your registration fees).  Jackets/Vests, Skinsuits and Hoodies are all expected to arrive before Christmas.  Thank you for your patience.