· Update re Covid-19 situation at the University: The Oval continues to be closed, as well as the Kinesiology building at the University of Calgary and we do not know when it will re-open at this time. Skate rental return, the distribution of the performance badges (http://www.albertaspeedskating.ca/images/AASSA_Badge_Program_v30Nov2018.pdf), the distribution of the Cutting Edge PIN report cards from Speed Skating Canada (https://speedskating.ca/resources/clubs/the-cutting-edge), the CSSA year-end gala and year-end awards distribution continue to be postponed. We will keep you updated regularly as the situation evolves. Keep your social distance and continue to stay safe!
· Special General Meeting: to elect Board members for the 2020-2021 season and provide an overview of the last season. Like many associations, the CSSA’s current by-laws do not specifically allow us to hold on-line Annual or Special General Meetings. After consulting with a corporate lawyer (father of one of the skaters), we felt it was more prudent to delay the meeting in the hopes of holding it in person in late June. We hope that the Covid-19 situation eases somewhat and that we will be able to hold a meeting with less than 50 people while practicing social distancing. All positions are up for re-election but a few of the Board members will be stepping down and we are looking for new Board members in the roles of 1) Registrar, 2) Vice-Chair Competition, 3) Vice-Chair Development, 4) Vice-Chair Volunteers and 5) Vice-Chair Marketing. If you are interested in joining the Board and would like a description of any of the roles, please contact Josie Daub at president@calgaryspeedskating.ca.
· Virtual Spring Program: The virtual spring program has been very successful with over 40 skaters and families signed up for the month of May. Depending on the Covid-19 situation, we will re-evaluate program options for the months of June to August, hoping we can introduce small outdoor group sessions and on-ice sessions if the Oval re-opens in July. Registration will continue to be on a month by month basis to ease financial burden for families. Registration for the month of June will be on RAMP and will be available later in May. Sessions will continue to be led by Sam Pollock, Marika Nadal, Ryan Hickman and Debby Fisher.
· Coaching Development: CSSA will be supporting Marika Nadal who will be taking her Competition Development coaching level over the course of the next few months through Speed Skating Canada.
· Delay of Fall registration: CSSA will delay fall registration to July 1 in order to have more information and certainty about the upcoming season..
· Survey Results: Thank you to all those that completed the survey. We received 87 responses. We have provided coaching staff with their ratings and comments and held reviews with each of the coaches. Your feedback will help us continue to improve our program for next year. Highlights include:
o 90% of skaters will be returning
o 82% ranked the Technical Director above average or excellent
o 80% ranked the On-Ice Coaches above average or excellent
o Top things about CSSA: Coaching Staff (76%), Facility (57%), Competitions (55%) Technical Director (45%)
o Things to improve about CSSA: Communication (41%), Website (31%), Mini-Meets (22%), Coaching Staff (18%), Reward Programs (18%)