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·       Summer Programs: Details of our summer program will be coming out in March.  The program will start around mid-May and run until the end of August.  There will be a Youth group as well as a Teen group.  May & June will focus on off-ice training, including in-line skating once a week.  In July, on-ice sessions will be introduced (as the Oval ice will be put back in mid to late June).  We are also looking at introducing strength training for the older teens. The program is flexible to allow athletes to train 2 – 4 times a week or to take July or August off for family vacations. The Oval will also have a summer speed program, a one-week camp from July 13 – July 18.

·       RU Fast March 7-8: We are still looking for volunteers as this is a very large meet with two ice rinks going on at once.  To sign-up, please click on the link below and select the position you’d like to volunteer for:

·       Casino: We received $67K for our efforts in working the casino in December.  A huge thank you to all.  No where else can we raise such large amounts of money for our organization.  Our next casino is slated for July – September 2021.

·       Performance badges:  have been distributed for all competitions up to the end of January 2020. Performance badges are given based on achieving time standards for various distances in both long-track and short-track.  Standards are on the Alberta Speed Skating website:

·       Cutting Edge Pin Program from Speed Skating Canada: Over the last few weeks, the coaches have been evaluating skaters and will be giving Cutting Edge Pin program report cards to all skaters.  The program focuses on developing proper skills so that skaters develop better technically.  More information can be found on:

·       Report cards: All skaters will receive end of season report cards, as in past years.  These will be distributed by the coaches after the RU Fast competition.  For teen skaters, coaches will be sending individual e-mails to each skater family.

·       Ice cancellations & last practice: The will be no CSSA practice on Saturday & Sunday March 7-8 for the RU Fast competition and March 14-15 for an Oval competition.  There will be no make-up practices for RU Fast as CSSA athletes are expected to compete.  Coaches will be communicating with groups for make-up practices, if any.  The last day of CSSA practice will be Thursday March 19.  The Oval will then be removing the ice which will be re-installed in mid to late June.

·       Congratulations to Katie Saunders and Nick Dagenais: Katie won 3 golds and Nick won 2 silvers at the Special Olympics Canada 2020 Winter Games held in Thunder Bay February 25 – 29, 2020.  Both athletes skate with the adult group.

·       Alberta Winter Games (Long-track Feb. 14-17, Airdrie, AB) results: 

Train 2 Train Female (11-12): Tatiana De Vlieg, 1st; Jasmine Bao, 2nd, Amelia Schepp, 3rd

Other participants: Claire Fenton, Isabelle Champagne, Addison Bowie, Keara Jorna, Elise Prpich, Grace Gizen, Eloise Spence, Margaret Breedlove, Grier Kellough, Sophia Cross

Train to Train Female (13-14): Maya Lueders, 1st

Other participants: Cecile Ferraro, Isabel Erasmus, Amelia Perkins

Train 2 Train Male (11-12)

Other participants: Brock Gilbert, Adam Al Seafan, Erik Angelozzi, Caleb Chan, Cameron Hofer, Nash Loster

Train 2 Train Male (13-14): Andre Erasmus, 1st; Daniel Hall, 2nd, Sandeep Varnasooriya, 3rd

Other participants: Arman Virani, Thomas Kapocsi

·       Year-end gala: Will be on Saturday April 25, at the Calgary Winter club (same location as last year).  If any families have door prizes to donate, please drop them off at the CSSA office before the end of the skating season.  

·       Skate rental return:  Will be held on Tuesday & Wednesday March 24 & 25 at the Oval, the north storage location at ice level.  Volunteer deposit cheques and skate rental deposit cheques will be returned at this time.  If you are unable to make it, please make alternate arrangements with our vc equipment, Justin:  For those attending Can West in Manitoba, alternate arrangements will be made.

·       Special General Meeting: to elect Board members for the 2020-2021 season will be held on Tuesday April 21 at 6:30 PM at the University of Calgary.  We are always looking for new Board members.  If you are interested in joining the Board, please contact Josie Daub at

·       Upcoming events:

·       March 19: Last day of CSSA practice

·       March 24-25: Skate rental return & cheque deposit return for skate rentals and volunteering

·       April 21: Special general meeting to elect 2020-21 Board members

·       April 25: Year-end gala

·       Competition Calendar: is available on the Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association website: .  Registration for all events are through RAMP.  Key events for CSSA skaters:

·       March 78: CSSA RU Fast at the Oval

·       March 21: West Edmonton Mall meet

·       March 2829: Can West in Selkirk, Manitoba