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Skate Rental Return – Tuesday April 9 from 6:00-7:00 PM

Please make sure your skates are sharpened before returning and include the CSSA soft guards in good repair.  Ripped or damaged soft guards must be repaired before being returned.

Alternatively, you may leave your skates at the Oval skate shop (with the soft guards) to be sharpened and they will return them to us.

All skates must be returned by April 9, no exceptions, as we need to do a full and proper inventory.  If you wish to keep your skates for next season, please note the bar code number so they can be re-issued to you in July.

We also need a few volunteers to help with skate return, please sign-up at:

To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.

Thank you for volunteering!

Special General Meeting (SGM) to Elect 2024-25 CSSA Board of Directors on Tuesday April 16 at 6:30 – 7:30 PM at the Oval Lounge (and Zoom)

Please see attached information regarding the Notice of SGM.  As a number of current Board Members have skaters who may be moving on to the Oval program in the next year or so, we are looking for parents of younger skaters to step into some of the key roles.  If you would like to get involved, please contact us at

CSSA Awards Gala on Friday April 26 at the Calgary Winter Club

The gala recognizes the top skaters in each group – selected and presented by the coaching staff.  There are awards for the Best Skater, the Most Improved Skater and Best Sportsmanship.  The gala will be held on Friday April 26 at the Calgary Winter Club (4611 – 14th Street NW) and will include a buffet meal (chicken, pasta, vegetables, drinks and dessert).  We are finalizing details and will open registration in the next week or so.)