· Program updates: We will be continuing to do dryland and in-line workouts twice a week at the Olympic Oval. The Youth 3 and Teen groups will also be doing a Zoom dryland session on Wednesdays. The last day of practice will be Thursday March 25, 2021. We will then be taking a break until the start of the Spring/Summer program in May. The coaching staff has done a terrific job, adapting to the constant changes this season to deliver a quality program.
· Program refunds: We are still assessing refunds for the skaters that continued with us until the end of March. We are awaiting the confirmation of some grants in the next few weeks before making a final decision.
· Spring/Summer Program: We will be releasing the details of our Spring program in the next few weeks. It will be similar to last year. We will start in early to mid-May with dryland (Terre des Jeunes school) and in-line skating (Bowness Park). In June, we will introduce on-ice skating once the Oval re-opens. The program will be flexible, allowing skaters to participate for 1, 2 months or the whole summer until the end of August. It promises to be fun and engaging!
· Annual General Meeting (AGM) and end of season celebration: We are a little “zoomed” out and hoping to have an in-person AGM and end of season celebration. We will wait for warmer weather and perhaps choose an outdoor location, such as Bowness Park, hopefully in mid-May.
· Skate Rental Return: For increased safety, we are looking at doing the skate rental return outdoors, by the large red paperclip at the Oval, similar to last year. We are finalizing a date with the Oval but are looking at March 29 or April 1. We will be needing 6 volunteers to help that day. For the in-line skates, we are awaiting direction from Alien In-Line. More details will be communicated soon.
· The National Sport School (NSS) at WinSport is for families of developmental and competitive athletes who wish to excel in high school and sport. They understand and accommodate the unique needs of student-athletes. Students are able to learn and thrive outside the traditional school setting and achieve a high school diploma while still pursuing sport. Join the Virtual Information Session on Wednesday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. to learn about the unique benefits of the school, the Palliser School Division and eligibility requirements for enrollment in 2021-2022. RSVP at: https://www.winsport.ca/explore-winsport/national-sport-school/
· Photos & Videos: If you have any good photos or videos from practices this winter, please forward them to Madeline at vc.communications@calgaryspeedskating.ca.