Update re Covid-19 situation at the University:
The Oval continues to be closed, as well as the Kinesiology building at the University of Calgary and we do not know when it will re-open at this time. The Oval is awaiting the approval of its plan by the University risk management group. They have not yet started to build the ice yet (it takes several weeks) and will likely only be open between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on weekdays for the summer. We are looking at options for some ice time this summer. We will inform the members as soon as we have more news. Skate rental return, the distribution of the performance badges (http://www.albertaspeedskating.ca/images/AASSA_Badge_Program_v30Nov2018.pdf), the distribution of the Cutting Edge PIN report cards from Speed Skating Canada (https://speedskating.ca/resources/clubs/the-cutting-edge), the CSSA year-end gala and year-end awards distribution continue to be postponed. We are hoping to do something in September. We will keep you updated regularly as the situation evolves. Keep your social distance and continue to stay safe!
Special General Meeting:
To elect Board members for the 2020-2021 season, provide an overview of the last season and an 2020-21 season preview will be held on Tuesday July 7, 2020 at the downtown Ramada hotel. The room at the Ramada is large and will ensure we can social distance. Like many associations, the CSSA’s current by-laws do not specifically allow us to hold on-line Annual or Special General Meetings so we will also be presenting a motion to do so in the future. All positions are up for re-election but a few of the Board members will be stepping down and we are looking for new Board members in the roles of 1) Registrar, 2) Vice-Chair Competition, 3) Vice-Chair Development, 4) Vice-Chair Volunteers and 5) Vice-Chair Marketing. If you are interested in joining the Board and would like a description of any of the roles, please contact Josie Daub at president@calgaryspeedskating.ca.
Summer Program:
We will continue to run the June program in July, with an online zoom session on Mondays, an outdoor session on Wednesdays at Terre des Jeunes school and an In-line skating session on Fridays at Bowness Park. Depending on the Covid-19 situation, we will re-evaluate program options for the month of August, hoping we can introduce some on-ice sessions if the Oval re-opens in July. Registration will continue to be on a month by month basis to ease financial burden for families.
Registration for the month of July will be on RAMP: July RAMP Registration.
Sessions will continue to be led by Sam Pollock, Marika Nadal, Ryan Hickman and Debby Fisher.
Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association (AASSA):
Two CSSA parents have been elected to the AASSA Board: Robert Fenton, Director-at-Large and Andrew Cross, VP Officials. Coach Sam Pollock will be the CSSA representative on the Skater Development Committee.
Delay of Fall registration:
CSSA will delay fall registration to July 1 or later in order to have more information and certainty about the upcoming season. We will be keeping prices the same as last year and will also reduce the financial burden by having 50% of the fees payable upon registration and the other 50% payable on October 31, 2020.
CSSA competitions confirmed dates:
January 30-31, 2021: Alberta long-track at Oval
March 7-8, 2021: RU Fast
Upcoming Important Dates (tentative):
Tuesday September 1, 2020: Skate rental exchange, parking pass pick-up, speed suit & clothing sizing
Tuesday September 8, 2020: Start of all Fall programs
Saturday September 12, 2020: Welcome lunch for all families & distribution of 2019-20 awards
Week of September 21, 2020: Coaches will meet with parents on program overview