Oval Situation:
The Oval is re-opening to the public on Saturday January 29. CSSA will resume its regular schedule starting Saturday January 29. All current safety guidelines remain in place.
Status on ABLT:
With the Oval re-opening to the public, this bodes very well for ABLT. If you have not registered yet, please do so as registration is capped at 200 skaters. The Oval also has several competitions on the calendar for February starting with a long-track time trial on February 5th. However, the university does reserve the right to cancel competitions should the Covid situation change.
Photos were distributed just prior to Christmas. If you have not received yours yet, please follow-up with your coaches.
Personal Bests, Rankings and Badges :
The Speed Skating Alberta website has the following information: https://speedskatingresults.ca/alberta-speed-skating-results/
Personal Bests Database:
This database has a history of all skaters and their personal best times for the last few years. It is updated after each meet.
Skater Rankings:
Rankings are available for each of the last 6 competitive seasons, for all skaters from Juniors, Train to Train (Female 11 – 14; Male 12 – 15) and the Learn to Train (Female 9-10 and Male 10-11).
Performance Badge Program:
This database lists each skater and what badge level they have achieved. The badges are a reward program (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Green, Red & White) for achieving certain time standards, with Gold being the fastest time standard and the white badge being for participating in your first competition. Badges for the December competitions are currently being distributed to skaters. For more information and for the time standards, please refer to: https://www.albertaspeedskating.ca/skaters/skaters-resources
Badges for competitions up to the end of Janary 2022 were distributed by your coaches in the last few weeks.
Competition Results:
Congratulations to all our skaters – great performances & many personal bests. Here are the CSSA skaters achieving the top 3 in each division.
Canmore Ability Meet Dec. 4, 2021
Division 1: 400m: Marek Chomin, 1st; Prabhnoor Grewal, 2nd , Erik Angelozzi, 3rd
Division 1: 200m: Drake MacMaster, 1st; Marek Chomin, 2nd , Erik Angelozzi, 3rd
Division 2: 200m: Prabhnoor Grewal, 1st; Justin Aasen-Courtemanche, 3rd
Division 3: 400m: Justin Aasen-Courtemanche, 1st; Julianne Lazzari, 3rd
Division 4: 200m: Matthew Wilson, 2nd
Division 5: 400m: Madden Thomson, 1st ; 200m: Madden Thomson, 1st
Division 6: 400m: Nicholas Wang, 1st; Dean Lavoie, 2nd, Joshua Yung, 3rd
Division 7: 200m: Maddex Chomin, 3rd
All Divisions: 100m: Lucas Kroczak, 1st, Maddex Chomin, 2nd, Atticus Hykaway, 3rd
All Divisions: 500m: Noelle D’Abadie, 1st
All Divisions: 800m: Angus Hicks, 1st, Madden Thomson, 2nd
All Divisions: 1500m: Marek Chomin, 1st, Elise Prpich, 2nd , Drake MacMaster, 3rd
SAVE THE DATE – Competition Schedule
February 5 Edmonton (outdoor) – long-track – CANCELLED
February 12 Rocky Mountain House – short-track
February 12-13 ABLT – Calgary Oval – long-track – RESCHEDULED
February 19 Red Deer (outdoor) – long-track – RESCHEDULED
February 26-27 Lethbridge – short-track (CYST Qualifier #2)
March 5-6 RU Fast – Calgary Oval – short-track
Youth Championships
February 19-20 Canadian Youth Long-Track (CYLT) Halifax, NS – CANCELLED
March 26-27 Canadian Youth Short-Track (CYST) Selkirk, Manitoba
Masters International Short-Track (MIST) Games
March 26-27 Calgary Olympic Oval – short-track
See Speed Skating Alberta competition calendar link: 6130eedbc8cf88dd08a79ef4_Events Calendar – Sept 2021 to March 2022 – Final.pdf (webflow.com)