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February Update from the Board

·       Summer Programs: Details of our summer program will be coming out soon.  The program will start around mid-May and run until the end of August.  There will be a Youth group as well as a Teen group.  May & June will focus on off-ice training, including in-line skating once a week.  In July, on-ice sessions will be introduced (as the Oval ice will be put back in mid to late June).  We are also looking at introducing strength training for the older teens. The program is flexible to allow athletes to train 2 – 4 times a week or to take July or August off for family vacations. The Oval will also have a summer speed program, a one-week camp from July 13 – July 18.

·       RU Fast March 7-8: Registration deadline is February 20, 2020.  Registrations and payments are Online only through CSSA’s RAMP system.:   REGISTRATIONS ARE CAPPED SO HURRY AND REGISTER NOT TO BE DISAPPOINTED.  NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  We also need lots of volunteers for this event as we have competitors on both ice sheets. Sign-up now to volunteer for RU Fast:

Sign-up now to bring food items for RU Fast:

·       Office Manager Summer Position: Sofia, our Office Manager will be on leave for a few months this summer and we are looking for some full-time help.  If you are interested, please e-mail for the job description.  Posting closes February 28, 2020.

·       Jeremy Wetherspoon (Red Deer) long-track competition results on Jan. 18-19:  Top 3 include:

T2T 11-12 Female: Tatiana De Vlieg, 1st; Jasmine Bao, 2nd; Amelia Schepp, 3rd 

T2T 13-14 Female : Maya Lueders, 1st 

T2T 12-13 Male: Jalen Doan, 1st 

T2T 14-15 Male: Andre Erasmus: 2nd; Daniel Hall, 3rd 

·       Rocky Mountain House Fast is Fun results (short-track) on Jan. 25: Medal winners include:

Division 1: Sandeep Varnasooriya, 1st  

Division 2: Jasmine Lazzari, 1st ; Erik Angelozzi, 2nd

Division 3: Drake MacMaster, 1st; Deleep Varnasooriya, 3rd  

Division 4: Cara Byrne, 2nd

·       Canadian Age Group Long-Track Championships in Red Deer February 7-8: Medal winners from CSSA include:

Female 11: Amelia Schepp, 1st

Female 12: Tatiana De Vlieg, 1st; Jasmine Bao, 3rd

Male 13: Jalen Doan, 1st

Other Female participants: Sophia Major, Keara Jorna, Addison Bowie, Grier Kellough, Claire Fenton, Elise Prpich, Maya Lueders, Cecile Ferraro

Other Male participants: Brock Gilbert, Kyle Ngo, Andre Erasmus, Daniel Hall, Sandeep Varnasooriya

·       Kudos to CSSA coach Guy Bushell (adult group):  He got to coach the two British athletes at the recent long-track World Cup at the Oval on Feb. 7-8 as they did not have a coach.  What a great experience!

·       Ice cancellations & last practice: The will be no CSSA practice on Monday February 17 for Family Day.  Other ice cancellations include: Sunday February 23 due to an Oval meet, Saturday & Sunday March 7-8 for RU Fast and March 14-15 for an Oval competition.  There will be no make-up practices for RU Fast as CSSA athletes are expected to compete.  Coaches will be communicating with groups for make-up practices, if any.  The last day of CSSA practice will be Thursday March 19.  The Oval will then be removing the ice which will be re-installed in mid to late June.

·       Gentle reminder from the Oval front desk staff: Please remember your Oval access card as it must be presented at all practices.

·       CSSA Athletes selected to Alberta Winter Games (Long-track Feb. 14-17, Airdrie, AB): 

Zone 2 (Outside Calgary city limits)

Female: Addison Bowie, Isabel Erasmus, Grace Gizen, Amelia Schepp

Male: Marek Chomin, Andre Erasmus, Brock Gilbert, Thomas Kapocsi, Nash Loster

Zone 3 (Within Calgary city limits)

Female: Jasmine Bao, Isabelle Champagne, Tatiana DeVlieg, Sophia Cross, Claire Fenton, Keara Jorna, Grier Kellough, Elise Prpich, Eloise Spence, Margaret Breedlove, Amelia Perkins, Cecile Ferraro, Maya Lueders

Male: Adam Al Seafan, Caleb Chan, Cameron Hofer, Daniel Hall, Sandeep Varnasooriya, Arman Virani

·       Competition Calendar: is available on the Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association website: .  Registration for all events are through RAMP.  Key events for CSSA skaters:

·       February 15 – 18: Alberta Winter Games

·       March 78: CSSA RU Fast at the Oval

·       March 21: West Edmonton Mall meet

·       March 2829: Can West in Manitoba