Oval Update:
Even though Alberta Health has removed many restrictions, current safety guidelines remain in place for the University of Calgary until the end of the winter semester in April. Masks must continue to be worn inside the Oval, except when exercising.
CSSA Schedule:
The Oval has new schedules, available to the public:
For long-track: https://schedules.oval.ucalgary.ca/Clubs.aspx (CSSA can use anytime it says “C” ice)
For short-track: https://schedules.oval.ucalgary.ca/STPrograms.aspx
There are lots of competitions happening in March, which will impact training times. Please confirm these with your coaches every week. Note that on Sunday March 6, all practices will be cancelled as coaches, volunteers & staff will be hosting the RU Fast competition. Please attend another day, if possible, to make up for this missed practice.
RU Fast:
We are less than a week away from the competition and still have 100 volunteer roles to fill. Many positions give you a front row seat for watching your skaters. We cannot hold the competition without filling these positions so your help is really important. If you have not signed up, we kindly ask that you consider doing so. Note that volunteer cheques WILL be cashed in April if families do not fulfill their volunteer hours. Thank you in advance for volunteering. Please sign-up at:
End of year Report:
Your coaches will be distributing an end of year report to each skater during the week of March 14.
Last day of regular training at the Oval will be Friday March 18:
Additional training will be made available to athletes attending Youth Championships during the weeks of March 21st and March 28th. Much of the daytime ice for the week of March 21st is dedicated to the Masters International Short-Track Games. The long-track ice will be removed for annual maintenance starting Monday March 21st while the short-track ice will be removed starting Sunday April 3rd.
Last day of training at Seton YMCA will be Tuesday March 22:
A mini-meet will also be held on Thursday March 17 from 6 – 8 PM.
Personal Bests, Rankings and Badges:
The Speed Skating Alberta website has the following information:
Personal Bests Database:
This database has a history of all skaters and their personal best times for the last few years. It is updated after each meet.
Skater Rankings:
Rankings are available for each of the last 6 competitive seasons, for all skaters from Juniors, Train to Train (Female 11 – 14; Male 12 – 15) and the Learn to Train (Female 9-10 and Male 10-11).
Performance Badge Program:
This database lists each skater and what badge level they have achieved. The badges are a reward program (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Green, Red & White) for achieving certain time standards, with Gold being the fastest time standard and the white badge being for participating in your first competition. Badges for the December competitions are currently being distributed to skaters. For more information and for the time standards, please refer to:
Badges for competitions held in February & March will be distributed in mid-March.
Competition Results:
Congratulations to all our skaters – great performances & many personal bests. Here are the CSSA skaters achieving the top 3 in each division.
Alberta Long-Track (ABLT) Feb. 12-13, 2022
Masters: Robert Black, 2nd; Scott Anderson, 3rd
Junior/Senior Female: Laura Hall, 3rd
Junior/Senior Male: Jalen Doan, 2nd
T2T Female 1: Elise Prpich, 1st; Isabelle Champagne, 2nd; Amelia Schepp, 3rd
T2T Female 2: Grier Kellough, 1st
T2T Female 3: Cara Byrne, 1st; Eleri de Vlieg, 2nd
T2T Male 1 : Brock Gilbert, 1st; Marek Chomin, 3rd
T2T Male 3: Angus Hicks, 2nd
L2T 1 Female: Felicia Robert, 2nd
L2T 1 Male: Henry Zhang, 1st; JJ Hill, 2nd
L2T 2 Female: Ali Gilbert, 1st; Grace McGee, 2nd ; Saoirse McAdam, 3rd
L2T 2 Male: Simon Gidrewicz, 1st; Mark Cholach, 2nd ; Caleb Wilkie, 3rd
L2T 3 Female: Reese McDougall, 1st
L2T 4 Female: Ella Migliaccio, 1st ; Amelia McAdam, 3rd
L2T 4 Male: Lucas Brown, 1st
Note: T2T is Train to Train & L2T is Learn to Train
Lethbridge Short-Track Feb. 26-27, 2022
T2T Female 11-12: Maxine Volstad, 1st; Osa Chomiak, 2nd
T2T Female 13-14: Prabhnoor Grewal, 1st; Amelia Schepp, 2nd; Elise Prpich, 3rd
T2T Male 12-13 : Marek Chomin, 1st ; Erik Angelozzi, 2nd
SAVE THE DATE – Competition Schedule
March 5-6 RU Fast – Calgary Oval – short-track
Youth Championships
April 14-15 Canadian Youth Long-Track (CYLT) Quebec City, QC – RE-SCHEDULED
March 26-27 Canadian Youth Short-Track (CYST) Selkirk, Manitoba
Masters International Short-Track (MIST) Games
March 26-27 Calgary Olympic Oval – short-track
See Speed Skating Alberta competition calendar link: 6130eedbc8cf88dd08a79ef4_Events Calendar – Sept 2021 to March 2022 – Final.pdf (webflow.com)