On the last day of the summer program (Friday August 28), we will be having an outdoor BBQ at Bowness Park following our practice. Awards for the top skater, most improved skater and best sportsmanship for each group during the 2019-2020 season will be distributed.
Location: Picnic site #3 with shelter (near playground area)
Area where groups normally meet for in-line speed skating
Up to 132 people, 2 BBQ’s, 1 large fire pit, 4 power outlets inside shelter
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM In-line skating practice
7:30 PM Start of BBQ
8:00 – 8:30 PM Awards for the 2019-2020 season for all Intro, Youth & Teen groups
Covid-19 guidelines for outdoor gatherings:
– Practice social distancing and stay 2m apart, otherwise wear a mask
– Recommend 1 picnic table per family
– Do not share food, utensils, drinks or equipment
– Avoid close range conversations
– Avoid direct contact or physical touch with people outside your household
– We recommend that families each bring their own stove/BBQ
– Wash/sanitize hands
– Stay home if you’re not feeling well
We hope that you can join us. Families are also welcome to attend just for the awards. Looking forward to seeing you there!