December update from the Board
Happy Holidays to All Skating Families
· Upcoming Key dates
December 23: Last day of training before holiday break
December 27-29: Optional long-track training 12:30 – 1:45 PM for groups A through E only – please refer to email from your coaches.
January 2: First day of training for athletes at Oval location
January 9: First day of training for athletes at Seton location
· Photos: A photo memory (individual photo with group photo) will be distributed during practice in the New Year. Additional photos or items may be purchased (link from photographer to be provided early in the new year) and will be shipped directly to families.
· Level 1 Officials Clinic: We are pleased to announce Speed Skating Alberta has made the Intro to Speed Skating / Level 1 Officials Clinic available on YouTube. What this means is that you can take the course at anytime and review at your leisure.
This clinic is intended for new parents, athletes, and volunteers. Once you have completed the clinic, complete the official’s tracker and the quiz. You will receive your certificate shortly after that. Once you have completed this clinic, you will be on your way to being a Level 1 official! Should you have questions about the content, please email Marc McGee
· Alberta Long Track January 6-7 is filling up fast. Deadline to register is Dec. 24 at midnight. Registration Link:!/events/alberta-long-track-ablt-january-6-7-2024
We ask that each family volunteer for the events we host, please sign-up at:
And this link for hospitality (food):
· Congratulations to all our mini-meet skaters!: We had a full house at Seton on Thursday December 7th as well as at our Learn to Race long-track series of three events (October through December). Lots of fun was had by all, winning ribbons, getting a few treats and even a few draw prizes. We will have our final mini-meet at Seton on Thursday March 7. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
· Alberta Winter Games February 16-19, 2024 in Grande Prairie: There will be 12 athletes per zone, 3 males & 3 females aged 12-13 and 3 males & 3 females aged 14-15. Age is as of June 30, 2023. Selected athletes have been notified by Speed Skating Alberta and have until January 8 to register. More information is available on or from the Zone Sports Reps are: within Calgary city limits (Zone 3): Marika Nadal (; outside Calgary city limits fall into Zone 2: Denise Wheelhouse (
· Youth Championships (11 – 13 years): Long-Track will be in Quebec City Feb. 9 – 11. Qualifying event is in Red Deer Jan. 20-21, with ABLT on Jan 6-7 as a back-up (only if weather does not permit some events to be held in Red Deer). Skaters should consider attending the back-up qualifier (in case of weather issues). Plus, it also gives another opportunity to race a 500m LT and get fast times on the “Fastest Ice in the World”. Short Track will be in Medicine Hat on March 22-24. Qualifying events are Edmonton Nov. 11-12 (counts for 40%) and RU Fast Feb. 24-25 (counts for 60%). Skaters must attend one qualifying event to be selected. New this year, there are some minimum safety time standards participants must meet in order to attend short-track championships:
Safety Time Standard (400m) for Short Track Championships Only | |||
Gender Category | Age 11 | Age 12 | Age 13 |
Girls | 53.3 | 50.9 | 49.4 |
Boys | 50.4 | 47.9 | 47.4 |
· Competition Results:
Grande Prairie Nov. 18:
Division 1: Marek Chomin, 1st; Angus Hicks, 2nd
Division 3: Felicia Robert, 2nd
Lloydminster Nov. 25:
Division 4: Grace McGee, 1st
Canmore Dec. 3:
Ability 1: Felicia Robert, 1st
Ability 2: Noelle D’Abadie, 2nd
Ability 3: Lucas Brown, 3rd
Ability 4: Lautaro Pino, 1st
Ability 5: Grace Schmidt, 1st
Ability 6: Bennett Brovald, 1st; Sabrina Jordan, 2nd
Ability 7: Ella Whitehead, 3rd
Edmonton Outdoor Long Track Dec. 16
Division 2 Male: Jiaqi Lin, 1st; Connor Craig, 3rd
Division 2 Female: Felicia Robert, 1st
· Upcoming Competitions:
SSA Competition Schedule: | |
Oval Competition Schedule: |
January 6-7: Alberta Long Track (CSSA) – Oval (Back-up CYLT Qualifier)
January 13-14: Western Long Track Open – Winnipeg
January 20-21: Red Deer Long Track Outdoor – CYLT Qualifier
January 27-28: Western Elite #2 – Richmond, BC
February 3: Rocky Mountain House – Lime Series
February 3-4: Canadian Neo-Junior Championships – Fort St-John
February 9-11: Canadian Youth Long Track (CYLT) Championships – Quebec City
February 16-19: Alberta Winter Games, Grande Prairie
February 24-25: RU Fast (CSSA) – Oval – CYST Qualifier
March 22-24: Canadian Youth Short Track (CYST) Championships – Medicine Hat