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CSSA finalist for Speed Skating Canada Intact Insurance Club Excellence Award: CSSA is one of five finalists for the award for the development of the Seton skating location.  Grand prize is $10,000 and each finalist receives $2,500.  As part of our final entry we filmed a short video with the help of the athletes and coaches at CSSA practices:

Update re Covid-19 situation at the University:  The Oval has re-opened with limited hours but will open to more regular hours and welcome clubs after Labour Day.  The Oval has distributed some guidelines which include the following:

o   Masks to be worn inside the Oval, except when on the ice or in training areas;

o   Access to Oval will be controlled with pre-screening prior to each access;

o   Maximum of 50 people allowed on each ice surface;

o   A 30-minute cleaning to be done between each group;

o   The Oval requires a full list of names of volunteers, coaches, athletes and any parents attending prior to admittance of all sessions. Additional clarifications will be obtained & communicated;

o   Everyone coming to the Oval will be required to complete the Olympic Oval Screening form in advance of doing so.  Online Screening form:  COVID-19 Screening

o   The Alberta Speed Skating Association has also provided a draft of the “Return to Speed Skating”.

Skate Rentals drop-off & pick-up: All athletes that still have skates from the 2019-2020 season to be returned need to do so on Thursday August 27 between 5-6 PM outdoors, at the north entrance of the Oval (by the big red staple).  Skates will then be disinfected.  On Tuesday September 1st between 5-7 PM will be skate rental pick-up for the 2020-21 season indoors at the Oval North Storage area.  Skate rentals are included in program pricing for all Youth & Intro groups.  If Teens wish to rent skates, these must be paid for on RAMP prior to pick-up on September 1st.  To limit the number of people in the building at one time and respect social distancing, time slots have been organized based on the skater’s last name:

o   5:00 – 5:30: Last names starting with A to D

o   5:30 – 6:00: Last names starting with E to L

o   6:00 – 6:30: Last names starting with M to R

o   6:30 – 7:00: Last names starting with S to Z

If you have any issues attending these dates or times, please contact our VC Equipment Justin at

Awards for 2019-2020: A table will be set-up at skate drop-off and pick-up so you may pick up awards for the 2019-2020 season: Speed Skating Canada Pin program and Alberta Speed Skating Association badge program.

Gala awards for 2019-2020: On the last day of the summer program (Friday August 28) at 7:30 PM, we will be having an outdoor BBQ at Bowness Park following our practice.  Awards for the top skater, most improved skater and best sportsmanship for each group during the 2019-2020 season will be distributed.  More details to come.

Clothing, speedsuits & parking passes: Tables will be set-up at skate rental pick-up on September 1st so you can order tracksuits, sweatshirts, slides and speedsuits as well as pick-up parking passes.  Parking passes must be paid on RAMP prior to pick-up.

Summer Session In-line skate return: All in-line skates and protective equipment must be returned to Alien In-Line after practice on Friday August 28.  If you are unable to attend that session, please return them the week prior.

Fall registration: CSSA fall registration is currently open.  If you intend on registering for September, please do so before September 1st so a full list of names may be communicated to the Oval prior to the first on-ice sessions.  Registering after this date may impact ability to skate on the week of September 8. Please review attached Ice Schedule for your reference.

Fall registration discounts: Families with 2 or more skaters will be given a discount of $50 for each skater.  The Registrar will automatically do that, no need to contact the office.  Skaters in Youth groups that wish to skate only twice a week (instead of three) will be given a $100 discount.  Credits will be applied through RAMP on the October payment.  Please contact the Registrar, Jeremy Gizen or the Office Manager, Isabella Salazar if your Youth skater wishes to skate only twice a week.

Refunds:  Members will be issued refunds should the Covid situation close the Oval.  Refunds would be proportionate with the length of the season less any fixed costs such as insurance, affiliation fees with Speed Skating Canada and Alberta Speed Skating, RAMP fees or other.

Oval Skate Shop: is open by appointment only.  For those who need to purchase equipment or have skates serviced for this coming season, appointments can be made with the skate shop.  (Please call 403-220-7919 or email to arrange a time).  Everyone coming to the Oval to visit the Skate Shop specifically will be required to complete the Olympic Oval Screening form in advance of doing so.  Online Screening form:  COVID-19 Screening

On-Ice Schedule for September: Due to rules and restrictions related to Covid (max. of 50 on each ice surface, 30-minute cleaning between groups if not a cohort, etc.), some adjustments to the on-ice skating schedules were made.  Please see attached.  Additional changes may be made as the situation evolves.

CSSA competitions confirmed dates

January 30-31, 2021: Alberta long-track at Oval

March 6-7, 2021: RU Fast 

Upcoming Important Dates:

Thursday August 27, 2020: skate rental drop-off outdoors by north Oval entrance from 5-6 PM

Friday August 28, 2020: last practice of summer session, return of in-line skates and protective equipment and outdoor BBQ at Bowness Park for 2019-2020 awards distribution

Tuesday September 1, 2020: Skate rental pick-up, parking pass pick-up, speed suit & clothing sizing, pick-up awards from pin program and badge program

Tuesday September 8, 2020: Start of all Fall programs

Week of September 21, 2020: Coaches will meet with parents on program overview

By October 1st, 2020: Coaches will have discussed and set goals with Teen athletes