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Registration for Fall & Winter Programs is now open on IceReg:  EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS AUGUST 8.  In addition to registering your skater(s) for club programs, two parents/guardians must also be registered as volunteers (or coaches or officials) by selecting “Add a Participant”. This is required for insurance purposes as parents volunteer at competitions, casinos, on-ice, placing and removing mats, etc.  In the past this was all done in the background by the CSSA Registrar but prices always included a family membership in past years.  If a parent/guardian is an accredited coach or official, the parent/guardian will register as such and not as a volunteer.  An Official or Coach will be $10 more than a Volunteer membership.  If you are a single parent/guardian family, then just register one volunteer (or coach or official). All Youth, Teen, and Adult programs will charge 50% upfront, and remaining 50% will be charged on Oct 31st. To register, please click on the IceReg link below.!/events/calgary-speed-skating-association-20212022

Parking Passes will be available for purchase on RAMP starting August 9th. Parking costs have been increased by the University and will be $230 for the season.

Skate rentals for Teens will be available for purchase on RAMP starting August 9th at $180 for the season, same as in previous years. Skate rentals are included in all Youth, Seton, Intro and Learn to speed skate and do not need to be purchased separately.

Labour Day Banff/Canmore Camp (SGM): Dates: Saturday, September 4 – Monday, September 6, 2021 at the Canmore Recreation Centre for ages 8 and over.

This camp is targeted to developing sound fundamentals and giving the skaters a solid base to build their season from. This camp is for anyone with previous speed skating experience, but racing experience is not necessary.

Each group will have two, 1 hour 15 minute on ice sessions per day. There will be daily off ice and classroom sessions.

Cost: $185/skater. 
For families registering more than one skater, $160 each for additional skaters.

To register, please fill out the fields below and submit. Remember to submit your payment by E-Transfer to: You are not fully registered until we have received payment by e-transfer. Please ensure you note the skater name in the “message”.

Further instructions will be provided once registration is complete and payment is received.

If you have any questions about this camp, please contact Denise Wheelhouse (BCSSC President) at 

Please register early at:

Speed Skating Alberta (SSA) Mini Camp #2:  August 13-15  (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

For ages:  8-10 & T2T/Junior (11+) at Edmonton, Clareview Recreation Centre.

The intent of these “mini camps” is to establish continuous opportunities throughout the season to work with the skaters and to develop a sense of camaraderie between all of our clubs.  We have an incredible core coaching team to deliver all aspects of these camps in a fun, engaging and inclusive environment.

Season Targets:  There are many targets for skaters to set their sights on (CWG’s, Alberta Winter Games, Arctic Winter Games, ST/LT Canada Cups, CYST, CYLT, Personal Bests) and our programming will reflect support for every athlete and their goals as they participate and develop in robust training groups.

Fee:  $80.00

To register, please fill out the fields below and submit. Please send your payment to:

Further instructions will be provided once registration is complete and payment is received.

We are look forward to seeing everyone and being together!  

If you have any questions about these programs, please contact Lorelei St Rose at:

‍Register here!

SAVE THE DATE – more details to come

Tuesday August 31: Skate rental pick-up, parking Pass Pick-Up, Equipment Sale starting at 6:00. 

Saturday September 11 starting at 1:00 PM: New Season Welcome, including skate sharpening clinic, special award celebration, presentation to families new to speed skating, presentation for skaters new to the Train to Train age class and other.

Week of September 20: coach meetings with parents

Week of September 27: goal setting with Teen group athletes

Try Speed Skating sessions: Encourage your friends to try it out!  Sessions will be held on the following Saturday afternoons at the Oval: August 14 & 28.  Cost will be NIL – as we expecting grants to cover the costs.  To register, please click on the RAMP link below.  Select 2021 Summer Program, then click on Try Speed Skating: