· Update re Covid-19 situation at the University: The Oval continues to be closed, as well as the Kinesiology building at the University of Calgary and we do not know when it will re-open at this time. Skate rental return, the distribution of the performance badges (http://www.albertaspeedskating.ca/images/AASSA_Badge_Program_v30Nov2018.pdf), the distribution of the Cutting Edge PIN report cards from Speed Skating Canada (https://speedskating.ca/resources/clubs/the-cutting-edge), the CSSA year-end gala and year-end awards distribution continue to be postponed. We will keep you updated regularly as the situation evolves. Keep your social distance and continue to stay safe!
· Isabella (Bella) Salazar: Welcome to our summer office manager, Bella! Sofia Ali has taken on a full-time summer job so Bella will be your point of contact for the next few months. Bella previously worked with the Guest Relations department at the Olympic Oval. Some of you would surely recognize her from the Oval front desk. Bella is a University of Calgary student in Kinesiology. Her focus this summer will be to fully document many of the CSSA volunteer and staff positions in order to improve the continuity of the organization, assist in the organization of the upcoming skating season and ensure the smooth operations of the CSSA during the summer.
· Special General Meeting will be held on-line: to elect Board members for the 2020-2021 season and provide an overview of the last season. Save the date: Tuesday May 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM on the zoom platform. Further details will be coming soon. A few of the Board members will be stepping down and we are looking for new Board members in the roles of 1) Registrar, 2) Vice-Chair Competition, 3) Vice-Chair Development, 4) Vice-Chair Volunteers and 5) Vice-Chair Marketing. If you are interested in joining the Board and would like a description of any of the roles, please contact Josie Daub at president@calgaryspeedskating.ca.
· Virtual Spring Program: We will be hosting a virtual Spring program for the month of May via the Zoom platform. Depending on the Covid-19 situation, we will re-evaluate program options for the months of June to August. Registration will be available on RAMP in the coming days to all skaters in Alberta and beyond. An e-mail with the full details and registration link will be coming soon. Sessions will be led by Sam Pollock, Marika Nadal, Ryan Hickman and Debby Fisher. CSSA familes will be provided a discount code for a $10 reduction for individuals and a $20 reduction for familes.
Youth Program (10 & under)
Youth – 2x/week for 30 minutes for a total of 8 practices: $20/athlete or $30 for the family (2 or more skaters). Practices will be Mondays & Fridays from 5:30 – 6:00 PM.
Teen Program (11 & over)
Teens – 2x/week for 1 hour for a total of 8 practices plus one OYO (on your own) workout a week: $35/athlete or $50 for the family (2 or more skaters. If there’s one skater in Teen & one in Youth, costs will remain at $50 for the family). Practices will be Mondays & Fridays from 6:15 – 7:15 PM.
· Survey Results: Thank you to all those that completed the survey so far. Survey will close on Friday April 17, 2020. After 70 responses, early indications include over 90% of skaters will be returning, 83% ranked our Technical Director above average or excellent and 80% ranked our on-ice coaches above average or excellent. Your comments are highly appreciated and help make our programs better year after year. We have already had a few excellent suggestions that we are looking at how to implement for next year. More detailed survey results will be provided in a few weeks.