- Skate Rentals pick-up:
On Tuesday August 31st between 5-7 PM will be skate rental pick-up for the 2021-22 season indoors at the Oval North Storage area. Skate rentals are included in program pricing for all Youth, Learn to Speed Skate, Seton and Intro groups. If Teens or Adults wish to rent skates, these must be paid for on RAMP prior to pick-up on August 31st . To limit the number of people in the building at one time and respect social distancing, time slots have been organized based on the skater’s last name:
5:00 – 5:30: Last names starting with A to Do
5:30 – 6:00: Last names starting with E to Lo
6:00 – 6:30: Last names starting with M to Ro
6:30 – 7:00: Last names starting with S to Z
If you have any issues attending these dates or times, please contact our VC Equipment Brody at vc.equipment@calgaryspeedskating.ca
Step 1: Check-in at Oval guest services (Oval entrance) to activate access pass or obtain a new access pass for new members or those who have lost their cards. Please bring your access card from previous years.
Step 2: Head down the stairs to north side of running track towards storage area
Step 3: Stop at CSSA table and see Office Manager, Isabella Salazar. Hand in volunteer deposit cheque dated March 31, 2022 ($500 for 1 skater; $700 for 2+ skaters) and pick-up parking pass, if purchased.
Step 4: Continue to North Storage area for skate rental: Skate rental deposit cheque for $250, dated March 31, 2022 must also be handed in. NO DEPOSIT CHEQUE = NO SKATES. If you are keeping your skates from the summer program, please bring a cheque and note the 4-digit bar code from the skates on the cheque.
Step 5: Stop by the marketplace to order or purchase clothing and skinsuits.
- Six (6) Volunteers are Needed for skate rental pick-up. Please sign-up at volunteersignup.org/PLCTT – thank you!
- Clothing & skinsuits: Tables will be set-up at skate rental pick-up so you can purchase or order tracksuits, sweatshirts, slides and skinsuits. CSSA also has an inventory of these items which can be purchased on RAMP
- Parking passes: Oval parking passes must be paid on RAMP prior to pick-up and are $230 this year as the university has increased parking prices. Parking passes are valid in lots 10 & 11, across the Oval from 4 PM onwards during weekdays and anytime on weekends. It is worth purchasing a parking pass if you attend programs at the Oval at least twice a week.
- Member Marketplace Sale: Do you have skinsuits, clothing or skates that your skater has outgrown? Bring them to skate rental pick-up to sell. There will be tables available to display your items for sale. Purchasers – please bring cash or arrange for an e-transfer.
- Summer Session In-line skate return: All in-line skates and protective equipment must be returned to Alien In-Line after practice on Friday August 27. If you are unable to attend that session, please return at the skate rental pick-up on Tuesday August 31.
- CSSA Volunteer Policy is on the website. It takes about 4,500 volunteer hours to run the organization. Our biggest need by far are the two competitions we host. Each skating member is required to provide 20 hours of volunteer service during the season. For a family with more than one skating member, each additional skating member adds 10 volunteer hours to a maximum of 40 volunteer hours. Exceptions: CSSA members who skate with other programs, such as the Oval Pathway and do not use any CSSA ice times are not required to volunteer, but are strongly encouraged to volunteer. Learn to Speed Skate and uncoached adult skaters are required to complete 10 hours of volunteer service. Seton YMCA members must help take mats on and off the ice at each practice as their contribution to volunteering.
- RAMP link: to purchase parking passes, CSSA clothing inventory and skate rentals: https://www.rampregistrations.com/login?v3=cee9308e4d
Select 2021-2022 Fall/Winter Program for skate rentals and parking passes
Select merchandise for clothing and skinsuits
- IceReg link: to register for CSSA programs. Please register by August 27 as programs are filling up and to ensure all information can be sent to the Oval in time for the start of the season:
- All programs start on Tuesday September 7, 2021 (after Labour Day)